Saturday 21 April 2012

my Novel...

this it's what i like to wrote on my blog...
but..i had to make my blog as my diaries,everything i share it in my blog,now my blog has become my diary...heheheheh
i like to wrote n tell about the novels that i've read...
i have a huge collection of my novel..its more than 40 pieces...
i wish to tell detail about the novel that i've read...
i hope i can make it next time if i have time...

this part of my novels that i've read..

 part of it belongs to my friend's novel
we have the same interest...
i keep this novel with him in uitm...

create by AinSya
21/04/2012 - 11.38 p.m

Tuesday 3 April 2012


overnight yg x mungkin dpt ku lupakan...dlm 1 mlm ktowg p dlm 4 or 5 tempat cmtu larh...
mule2 dri uitm ktowg naik ferry..pastu tros kew gurney..mkn passembor,laksa,nasi goreng n char kuey tiaw...
lpas tu ktowg p Hard Rock...sblm smpi singgah mcd dlu..mkn sundae smbil tggu kawan bobo(fatien)..dah smpi we continue our journey to Hard Rock..dah smpi ktowg p blkng Hard Rock,lpak kat situ jap n main dkt pantai la.dah sebiji mcm kanak2 riang...ahhaahaha...
lpas tu smbng jln lagi p padang kota lama...lpak kat situ main buai...sekali de owg cm stalker ktowg kt situ..pye la kelam kabut lari smpi handbag jatuh(bkn handbag aq,aq x bwk handbag kot)..nsib cpat sedar n then ktowg pusing balik p cari selamat gak la sbb jmp balik...
lpas tu ktowg jln p quensbay plak...lpak citu mkn laksa(laksa lg),jagung bakar dll...lpak citu smpi pkol 4 lbih bajet nk lpak smpai pkol 5 cmtu bwu blah...tpy disbbkn minyak kete byk lg so ktowg jln lg...ktowg jln p beli nasi kandar beratur(bkn aq yg beli yew..)...pas ciap jln tros balik uitm...
sblm smpi uitm tu singgah RR dlu sembahyang subuh n dlm pkol 7 gerak balik uitm n singgah lg beli breakfast tok membe bilik yg x ikot...

create by A!n $ya
              3.17 p.m