Thursday 14 June 2012

i miss my dad...

tetibe teringat kat papa bile miss bell pasang klip video pasal something la...
fhm2 jew la nie gmbr ape...
yg dlm kotak tu my lovely papa

sape la yg bodoh kan law x rindu kat family die...
tapi aq lebih rindu dgn orang yg da xde dpn mata aq...
papa owang rindu kat papa...
jeles tgk orang lain yg ade papa...
sape yg x hargai 2 mmg bodoh nk mampos...da hilang dri muka bumi nie baru nk  menyesal...
msok taun nie da 5 thun papa pergi...
nape cpat sgt pap pergi..x puas lg owang nk manje ngan papa...
adik pon kecik lg masa 2...
papa da byk berkorban tok kite semue...
sgt2 jeles bile owg lain cite pasal papa diowg sendiri...
papa da xde...harap kat yop jew la nk jage adik2 die yg semue pompuan2 nie..
egt senang nk jage kew...yop pon dok jauh..xde sape nk jage melainkan diri sendiri dan bantuan allah SWT..
semue kawan2 takot bile tgk muke papa..padahal papa orang yg baik,cool,suka wat lawak,muke jew serius...

walaupon orang tgk yg aq nie slalu happy tp xde sowg pon yg taw ape yg ade dlm hati aq...
papa orang rindu sgt kat papa...amat pedih skali bile nk ckp xpe bile owg ckp sory bile tye pasal papa...walaupon luar ckp lain tp dlm hat nie pedihh sgt...
hanya tuhan jew yg taw prasaan aq...bile tgk mama nangis kt depan kubur papa lg la aq ase mcm nk nangis  kuat2 tp aq xleh...mmg aq sabar xnk adk aq tgk aq nk dowg tgk aq kuat aq xnk dowg nangis gak...aritu de klaz bell,miss aq pasang plak pasal kasih seorg bapa yg bisu terhadap ank die..mmg meleleh la air mata try cover r...xkn nk nangis dpn2 kawan2 aq...

time nie da dekat nk sambut hari bapa...n i don't have it...walaupon x sambut sgt kan...
papa selalu jew ade kt hati nie n no one can replace u till i die...
orang rindu masakan papa...papa masak sedapp sgt...
walaupon dlu kite x senang tp kite penuh dgn kegembiraan..selalu tggu papa balik.keje...slalu tye mama bile papa balik..papa anta kayu kt mne...slalu picit kan kaki papa...
x sangka cpat jew waktu berlalu da 5 tahun..rse mcm bwu jew tahun lpas...rindu sgt2 papa...nk pelok papa..nk salam i miss u sgt2...ciuman terakhir ialah masa papa da xde....sedihh nye tgk orang yg x hargai papa die...klaw xsyg bak sini bg masih perlukan kasih sayang seorang ayah...

i will not stop 2 thinking of u...
selalu nangis dlm senyap jew...owg akan jage leklok buah rantai yg papa beli tok orang...1 1 nye kenangan yg papa belikan tok orang...orang akan jage leklok mcm jage diri orang sendiri...miss u lot..x sempat nk p kubur papa mse balik cuti sem aritu...

lirik lagu ni khas tok papa..
maksud die mmg mendalam...
walaupon lagu nie tok pakwe..
i always miss u...

you :)

you were there to light my day
you were there to guide me through
from my days down and on
i'll never stop thinking of you

how can i forget all that
when you're the one who make me smile
you'll always be a part of me
how i wish you were still mine

never will forget the day
how we've met and came this far
we all know we got this feeling
but somehow it has to end up here

i know it's me who said goodbye
and that's the hardest thing to do
cause you mean so much to me
and guide the truth from me to you

for all the things i've done and said
for all the hurt that i've caused you
i hope you will forgive me baby
cause that wasn't what i meant to do

create by A!n SyA
2.22 a.m  15/6/12

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